What happens at Kilmun Hall
Monday: The Cowal Handbell Ringers. You are welcome to come and listen to our rehearsals in the main hall starting at 2.00pm.
Discovery Club - 10.00 - 11.30am Last Monday in the month
Hall Committee meeting on Mondays, prior to the Flea Market 7pm
Tuesday: Kilmun Community Council meet every alternate month, at 7.30 (alternates with Blairmore Hall)
Wednesday Badminton 7-9pm
Thursday Dunoon and Kilmun Bridge Club 1pm
Indoor Bowls 7pm (Winter only)
Saturday Flea Market (Last saturday of month), 1pm for buyers (12 noon for stallholders) See Flea Market page for further details.
The Hall and the accompanying rooms are available for hire.
The hall has a small stage and will hold about 120 people, the rooms will hold up to 20 and 30 people respectively.
There is a modern kitchen, which is well equipped.